Alice and Snow

My Alice... (deep sigh, shake head, and smile). She's so special, so sweet, and so unique! Alice is five, and I'm enjoying our first year of homeschooling. For me the best part of her age and our days together is the communication. There are so many opportunities at this age to pass on info... whether it's educational/school related, training and disciplining, or spiritual shaping. For me, the best and most rewarding is seeing her eager little mind search for truth even at this age. She wants to hear the Bible stories, she wants to understand, she wants to know about anything and everything that has to do with her Jesus. What a blessing it is to be the one who conveys the truth of God's word to her. I tear up just a little as I type it!!! A couple days ago while we were driving in the car and admiring the beauty of the recent snowfall, I asked her if she knew what the Bible said about snow.... "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow..." I went on to tell her about how sin makes us dirty, but since Christ died for our sins we can be made clean. When we ask Jesus to forgive our sins, they're gone! We are clean again... perfectly clean... white as snow!

It made my day... to get to tell her about our sin and snow. If you have little ones, don't hesitate, take every opportunity to bring Jesus into the conversation! It not only fills their eager little minds with truth that is so readily soaked up, but it's a blessing to you... such a blessing.

Fun, fun!

Such fun!.... I was asked to custom design two bridal shower invitations lately and enjoyed it so much! It's always a welcomed break from the other responsibilities of life, to get to sit down and do some design work.... If you're ever interested, please post me a note and we'll figure out details :) Don't let distance stop you either... I send proofs via email and can mail the final printed items easily also. Anyway... that's my little advertisement :) Thanks, Lindsey, for the business! You were wonderful to work with!!

Sylas' Announcment

I posted some of baby Sylas' pictures a while back... Using photos from the shoot, I also designed his birth announcement... now that's the way to roll! So much fun :)

Better late than never...

It took me long enough, but I am finally sitting down to get some posting done! This shoot was from New Year's Eve and it was quite cold!!! But we all managed, taking breaks here and there to warm up... Not only did I get to take some fun pics, but I also got to catch up a bit with a dear high school friend...what could be better?!

Happy Things

In Sadie's nursery...

Probably the most memorable illustration in my memory...

Did any of you grow up reading Golden Books? How about the ones illustrated by Eloise Wilkin? I've mentioned before that I'm kind of obsessed with all things pertaining to babies/children... Well, I've come to realize that my corresponding love of chubby legged baby illustrations mostly likely was a result of Eloise Wilkin's babies. Her illustrations contain the most adorable, squeezable, lovable babies imaginable!!! I used to sit and look at the books with her illustrations in them and dream of being a mommy someday... My mom has an equal appreciation for Eloise Wilkin and has stocked our shelves with reprinted copies of the old classics. I've come across a few original ones that of course have found a home in Sadie's nursery decor. If you need a good baby fix or sweet story for your little ones, round up a Golden Book with Eloise's illustrations. When we read together, I enjoy watching my girls examine the lovely illustration just as I did years ago. Maybe they'll develop an obsession for all things baby and hopefully have chubby legged babies of there own some day... All to say!, Eloise's babies are definitely a Happy Thing! :)
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