Happy Thing... paper covered clothespins
I'm sure you guys have all seen these already... I've seen them on multiple blogs, for sale on Etsy, and even in some boutiques. They really are fun and simple to make, though... no wonder they're so popular! All you do is cut strips of decorative paper to the dimensions of the clothes pin and adhere and cover with Mod Podge... easy enough! My favorites are the mini pins... drill tiny holes through one side and nail to the wall to hang whatever! So many uses and so simple to make... absolutely a Happy Thing :)
These are a few of the ways I've been using them in our home lately...
Asking for renewed strength...

I'm in the middle of a crazy week! Nothing bad... just busy crazy. I feel like I go from day to day just barely hanging on... barely having enough energy to get through the tasks that I need and should do. I'm sleep deprived, busy, and have so many different things that I need to devote mental focus to. So what do I do to make it through? Where does my help come from? ...hmm that sounds familiar.
"I lift my eyes up to the hills-- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1,2We have a tool very within reach... the word of God is full of power, ready to supply us with all we need to make it through this life. If only we would use it... cling to it, claim it.
That's my goal today... tomorrow... to claim the power that is ours in Christ through his holy word.
"Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:28-31
Random pics of my girls...

I've been wanting to take feet pics of my girls for awhile.... finally decided to do it today, even though they didn't want me to :) They didn't cooperate very well, but I still managed a few cute shots. I got the feet idea from one of my fav. blogs... ashley ann photography (I have a link on the side).
Spring Photography with Family

This past weekend, my brother-in-law's family came to visit. There were three main things on the agenda... family pictures, a Thunder basketball game for the men, and plenty of cousin time for the FIVE girls! It all got accomplished and we had the most wonderful time together. Thanks J & L for making the trip!
Happy Things... prints & patterns

Maybe it's because I'm a graphic designer... I don't know, but I LOVE prints & patterns. I love the beauty and spice they bring to everyday things, in addition to the inspiration they provide my restless creative mind....they are a simple and adored Happy Thing :)
And there's many more snap shots of prints & patterns in my home to come... hopefully they'll inspire and cheer you also :)
Happy Things

Certain simple things trigger tender emotions within me. I'm sure this is typical, especially for moms... everything about our babies seems to be sentimental and special. Little shoes do it for me. With each child whenever I see those cute little shoes paired up somewhere, I smile and maybe even feel the back of my throat tighten a bit. It's good. I like feeling those gushy moments as a mom. To me, they are moments of thankfulness. A quick "thank you, Lord" usually follows in my heart. I was looking through some of my pictures and saw this one with the shoes, and my heart did that thing. I smiled and I was thankful for Sadie, all my girls, and for this life I know. I've had some hard days lately and for me, having those grateful feelings was a small victory. I've changed my prayers since my earlier post about my struggles. I'm no longer praying for God to bring me out of the circumstances that I dislike. I'm no longer praying that God will change the things that make me struggle. Rather, my prayer now is for joy today. My prayer is for strength to praise him today. My prayer is for him to change me, not my circumstances.
"I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Phil. 4:12b,13
So today, I'm thankful for little shoes that make me smile and a God who gives me strength... and that's a Happy Thing :)
Happy Thing...courtesy of MRMBC

The day that we moved into our new home...or rather the day that we moved our stuff in :)... was brightened by a gracious display of welcome/home warming gifts from our new church. A huge basket cradled all kinds of wonderful things: chocolates, pampered chef goodies, sun hats for the girls, gift cards,... it just kept going! It made us feel so loved from the start. THANK YOU, MRMBC! :) Well, I kept the basket and painted it my absolute favorite color... you know, turquoise! Now every time that I look at it I think about the warm welcome we received and I enjoy another burst of that amazing color... and that is definitely a Happy Thing :)
Happy Thing...courtesy of JJ

I was sick last Friday... it was a yucky day. JJ was so sweet to me though! He bought me medicine, movies, snacks, and flowers! He picked out such beautiful flowers... and then put them in an old mason jar for me. Seriously... it's like he was in my mind... of all the vases we have and he picks the mason jar! It has been a spark of color to my days since then... and that is definitely a Happy Thing :)
I suppose it's time to be honest...

I've been having a hard time lately. Ever since the move things have been ... off. I suppose that's to be expected, but it just frustrates me so much. I guess I have a sinful need to feel in control of things... to have things under control at all times. And if they're not, I do whatever it takes to get things back where they should be. Sometimes this involves God, sometimes I try to do it on my own. I don't like writing this... it makes me feel out of control :)
Nothing is really wrong... but nothing seems right either. My house is not the way I want it, my girls are in need of some serious, yet gentle training (hence my last post), JJ and I feel like our relationship is being strained, and I need a serious attitude overhaul. Not much inspires me, many things anger me, and I'm in serious need of a joyful heart. Before we left, I felt so full of faith, so full of strength. My mind was nearly always where it needed to be... on Him and on his will for me. These days I can't seem to get my selfish mind off me. Well, it's time to get to work... like I said, I've gotta do whatever it takes to get back to where I should be.
On the flip side, I'm not worried though... about what comes next. I do know that my God is faithful, and that he will pursue me. I may feel weak and off, but he is strong and will pull me back. He promises that if I seek Him, I will find Him. I so badly want to get back to the joy of my salvation, Happy Things, feeling full of joy, and being inspired.
JJ and I developed a plan... I used to (in KS) be able to find time in the morning before we started school each day, to have some quiet time. I would usually read my devotional or a passage of scripture, then meditate on a meaningful verse. Sometimes I would post the verse on fb. This really worked for me... helped me really soak in God's word for me for the day. Well, for some reason, I have had such a hard time finding a spot for this in my mornings here. For one thing, the girls' waking up and napping times have gotten all messed up now that they share a room. I find myself clinging to every moment of Sadie's short morning nap to get the most important school stuff done. ANYWAY... I don't know why I'm including all this random info. ALL TO SAY... the plan: JJ is going to get up a little earlier, and be ready by the time Sadie wakes up. This will allow him to watch Sadie for 20-30 min., so that I can have some quiet moments to spend in God's word to start my day. Seriously, that sounds divine to me! I NEVER have alone quiet time! :)
Anyway, I haven't felt like posting much lately... that's why. But God is faithful... I'll be back :)
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