
You Are Loved... a free printable :)

Happy Valentine's Day!
Last night I was thinking about Valentine's Day and these lyrics from a song by Sanctus Real came to mind...

And I could never lose Your love to sickness
Oh I could never lose You to divorce
And there's no concept of abandonment
For I am safe within Your arms

And in this marriage of our hearts
There is no death do us part
For You are eternal
And I am eternally Yours
Oh I am eternally Yours
I am eternally Yours

Here's a link to the song... it's worth listening to today.  

There is so much that I could say, but I just want you to know that if  you know and trust Jesus Christ... then today should be the best Valentine's day ever :)  You have found a love unlike any other.  A love that will never disappoint or disappear.

People fail... husbands fail.  Family fails.
But God will never fail you...

I am just beginning to understand the relationship that God intended for us to have with him through Christ.  It's so hard to wrap my mind around his love in general... let alone the personal intimate love that he desires to have with me....  I am his.  He is mine.  Nothing can separate us... I am eternally his.

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,  neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,  neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."  Romans 8:38-39

"But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness." Psalm 86:15

"This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.  This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.  " 1 John 4:9-10
To help you celebrate and remember Christ's love for you... Enjoy a 5x7 little art print!

Print one for yourself and print another for someone who needs to know that they are loved!  (or for your daughter... 'cause the the print is super pretty and she needs to know that she's loved by the king as well :) )


And  I always love to know if you are planning to download one of my goodies... it just warms my heart :) ... So leave a comment!



  1. so cute ! as usual " happy valentine from France !

  2. Happy Happy Valentines Day from Florida! I am going to print thils lovely art!!!
    You are just so creative. :)

  3. eeeeek!! cuter than cute! Thank you for being a shining light for Jesus, Amy J.!
    Happy Valentines Day to you!

  4. So sweet.
    I'm going to be printing this for my daughter's room that we are currently working on :) Thank you!!

  5. Very creative work! And thank you for sharing the good news of Christ's love. Any time I share your blog with others, I hope and pray they are touched by the way you write about Jesus. Bless you!

  6. Love this cute little print!! Definitely going to download it! Thanks so much.

  7. Thank you for the printable, it's very cute! I saw your pictures, you have a beautiful family and amazing kids! four! I have two and sometimes I'm so tired.... what is your secret???

  8. Thanks you so much for sharing your ideas and allowing printing of some of your printables. I am redecorating the several rooms in the nursery area of my church and these will be used there. Love your site and may God bless you!

  9. You are such a kind soul. Thank you for sharing this lovely printable. It will lift up my spirits. God bless u!

  10. Thank you so much for the print. I will be putting it in my daughters' room to remind them of how special they are. I found you via pinterest and got lost on your blog:)

  11. Thank you for the printables, they are lovely!!

  12. Your amazing! I love this, thank you for sharing :)

  13. thank you so much for free printables, so delighted I found your blog, im a Christian too :) blessings ♥

  14. This goes perfectly for my daughter's 1st birthday theme... thank you! Your work is amazing, thanks for your inspiration!
    Blessings :)


  16. Thank you SO much! I went and bought several frames. I've already given one as a birthday gift. I've come back to print more. I love your design and colors! God Bless~~angela

  17. Amy
    Lindo a imagem e o texto!
    Que Deus seja sempre o tudo em nossas vidas!
    Beijos desde o Sul do Brasil!

  18. printed this to put on my daughters bedroom wall. it's adorable and so useful, like all your printables! thanks so much :)

  19. This is simply beautiful. Thanks fir sharing your talents.

  20. Thank you for the lovely print! I am due with a girl in three weeks. I was looking for this phrase to hang on her wall and this is perfect. I just printed it out and will be hanging it in her room this week! :)

  21. Love this one. Hanging on my baby girl's wall.


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