
Hello Stranger :)

I feel like a stranger to you all!  Sorry about that :)  You know how it goes... life gets busy, life gets kinda stressful and something has to give...  and that's been my blog lately!  Better that than something else though, right?
As I fight the busyness, my blackboard by our office/school room continually reminds me:

Well, I have a few things I'd like to show you...
before Valentine's day,  I received a package in the mail.  It was from a sweet friend of mine that I got to know through doing some design work for her.   Well, I had recently finished a project for her where I designed some V-day goodies... a note card and various labels...  some really unique items mixing a watercolor feel with a 1940s/World War II and airmail kind of theme... all in pale pink and gray.  She has really fun taste!   Anyway... she, in all her sweetness, sent me a package full of all the goodies she used my designs for!  Oh, it was SO FUN to see it all in place and looking so pretty :)

So I wanted to show you...  Thanks again Rosalyn-Sue :)

Oh, one more thing that I wanted to pass along...
I found this verse yesterday, and it just made me smile :)

"He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young. " Isaiah 40:11

If that isn't exactly what a tired and weary mom needs to hear...  He, my gentle and loving Heavenly Father, cares about our little ones and us moms.  He knows we need a little extra care and tenderness.  I'm soaking in that verse today :) 



  1. I've missed you but totally understand!!! I was thrilled to see a post from you. :)
    I love the V-goodies! Absolutely gorgeous.
    I love the verse...we Mom's need extra care and tenderness.
    I hope you and your family are doing well.

  2. thanks for sharing the verse. i definitely need that reminder. daily.

    love ya!


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