
V is One!

Tomorrow is my little V's birthday... I can't hardly believe it.  It really is true that each year goes by faster in parenting.  I feel like I just had him! 

Well, I'm going to be kinda busy tomorrow, so I thought I'd post his suitcase pictures today :)  My how he's grown...   He is such a joy and a blessings.  I never thought I could enjoy and adore a little boy the way I do.  God knew there was a part of my heart that ached for a boy, that I had no idea existed!  Praise God for his infinite knowledge that is so far above mine.  ... and Happy Birthday, Little Virgil.

Here are some of the other shots.... :)



  1. Such an adorable photo op! I love vintage suitcases..add a heartwarming! Happy Birthday!

  2. I must go looking for a suitcase as soon as possible! Such an awesome idea!

  3. Happy Birthday little Virgil!

  4. Beautiful photos and a lovely prayer.
    Happy Birthday to V!

  5. Awwww!!! Happy Birthday Little Virgil!!!! I hope y'all have a wonderful day celebrating his 1st Birthday! :) :)

  6. Great pics - Love the suitcase - I took pics of my kids in the same chair every month. I love it!

  7. FUN. I especially love the progression as a little fav is him standing on the suitcase ready to take on the world. Little boys there is nothing like 'em ~ perfect sweetness coupled with I will conquer everything. :) Great way of capturing him.

  8. I can't believe he is 1 already! It seems like just yesterday when we were out for a walk and Alice got to tell us the exciting news that you were pregnant! Awesome pics!

  9. I just found your site today via pinterest. What a blessing :)! Loved everything I saw! God Bless!


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