
Looking Back... a KS HOME TOUR... our bedroom

I was looking for a certain photo the other day... from our old house in KS.  In the process, I stumbled upon a whole bunch of photos of our house I had taken for this blog way back when I first started it.  I had made little collages of each room of our house... but they were small and hard to see...  And many pictures didn't make it into the tiny collages! 

So I can't resist...
I just have to show you... my home back in KS.

It was a craftsman style bungalow that had been completely redone... using old wood and was adorable, adorable, adorable.  It was a gift to get to rent it for 2 years.
My decorating style was makeshift and random... I was used to making do in rentals... but we were allowed to paint in this rental, which was a first for me!

This was the home where Elsie took her first steps...where we lost Sophie... where Sadie was born... where we felt God's call into ministry...  This home was such a significant part of our lives. 

Anywho!  On with the tour!




  1. Love the decor in your room! I also love checking back for your design pieces, I'm a designer and have a great love of typography! Nice work!

  2. Love your the decor and colours !!


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