
Keeper of My Heart... a BIG giveaway!

I have had a super busy week!  ...lots of projects...lots of company... not very much Jeremy (he was gone for 5 days)...  not much sleep!  But I'm alive and kickin' and ready to get to work today... 

First off for today... I want to share what is on my heart!
A Praise and an Opportunity...

Have you noticed... what God has been doing lately?  He's been stirring, moving, awakening hearts...  He has led so many families into adoption!   And I am so excited! 

As I hear and read about all these adoptions I have come to realize a few things in a new way....

-God is powerful, and so capable of accomplishing the impossible.

-God is in our blogging... if we allow Him, He will use any and every aspect of our lives to accomplish His purposes. 

-If we submit our lives to God it often takes us out of our comfort zones and can be down right scary!

-The Joy that comes as a result of each of these is a gift and a promise. 

"This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.... I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you."  John 5:8,11-12

So I urge you... all those sweet families that are engaging in the adoption process... join them!  Read their stories, pray for them by name, give of your money, time, and resources... BE A PART OF THE JOY!!  It is an opportunity to "bear fruit,  showing yourselves to be (His) disciples!" 

So JOIN ME.. as we "love each other" and help...  TODAY... head on over to One Day at a Time.
Amy is doing a massive giveaway to raise funds for the adoption of sweet Davis.  The KEEPER OF MY HEART GIVEAWAY began yesterday... so hurry on over!

There are INCREDIBLE PRIZES to be won! ...and love to be shown...

AND... consider what else God might be asking you to do...  are you being called to give of your time, money, resources, energies here or in other areas of your life??  ... are you being called to adopt? 

I can't hardly wait to see what God does next.... :)

Blessings and joy for the day!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome post! It refreshes my soul to see God move so mightily through the blogging community, and really, every other place I am looking these days! God is so good!


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