
Little V is 5 Months!

Last Friday V reached the 5 month mark!  Wow... it really is true that the time passes more quickly with each child... cra-zi-ness!  Wasn't he just born?

So... V man these days likes to...
cry alot,
get up on his knees and attempt to crawl,
cry alot,
and yeah... that's about it.

I don't know if it's just a phase... but he hasn't been happy much lately :(  Doc said at his 4 mo. apt that he isn't going to cut teeth for awhile... so I don't know why he's such a grumpy bunny!  He's been such a good baby up until lately.  Oh, well...  can a baby have an ear infection with no other symptoms besides crankiness?

Regardless, he's still precious, still a blessing... love that little man!!



  1. A big fat YES to the ear infection question!

  2. If it's anything like mine, 4-5 months was horrible. Utterly horrible. Many go through sleep regressions due to a bunch of milestones all at once. My little boy did, and due to the lack of sleep, became chronically overtired and super duper cranky.

  3. I gave my babies very weak chamomile tea sweetened with just a teeny bit of sugar. It did WONDERS for colic and crankiness. Good luck!

  4. Thanks for the input! We ended up taking him to the doc... and nothing's wrong! Just a cranky baby :( Hopefully the stage will pass soon! ...gonna try chamomile tea, for sure :)


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