
Happy Birthday, to The One I Love...

I normally don't indulge in bragging... but today I'm going to make an exception. It's my husband's birthday, and he deserves to be bragged about :)

He's the man in a household of all girls and loves it.

He's capable of pretty much anything... So smart.

He's broken his nose 6 times.

He has the best laugh... when we watch funny movies, I just watch him.

I'd rather be with him than anyone else... No one better :)

When we were dating, JJ told me "Your face is the definition of beautiful."

He can craft. (that's only bragging if women are reading this, I suppose :)

We can talk for hours... always have, always will.

He's a very positive optimistic person... hard to find these days.

He has a heart for God and His work... his passion is the Truth.

He fathers amazingly from the heart... even though he didn't have a dad at home to mimic.

He is more patient with me than I could ever deserve.

I feel so overwhelmingly blessed that God gave me a man like him to live my life with.

Happy Birthday, Jeremy... I love you.


  1. what an awesome birthday gift! i'm sure he will love it, amy. love your posts.

  2. That is the most heartfelt birthday wish. It is so awesome that you found someone amazing!


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