
Happy Thing

You know me... I love vintage stuff. When it comes to the kitchen, I just can't image anything better than 195os decor...all the bright primary colors. It's so cheerful! Well, one thing that didn't return to our kitchen after our move was my 1950s bright yellow chrome table and chairs... :( Instead we opted to use our big dining room table. It just made more sense for having people over... But one thing that found its way into our kitchen/dining room this time around was my china cabinet (it previously functioned as storage in the Sadie's nursery...). This has been a happy thing for me, since now I have room for all my fun 1950s dishes!!! I also thought that maybe I'd be more likely to use them if I could see them... My mom picked up the old china cabinet for us at an auction just weeks before we got married. It was a built-in that somebody ripped out. It has served me well! So regardless of the paint color on the walls :), I am instantly cheered by the sight of my familiar little china cabinet, filled with all those yummy dishes... and that's a Happy Thing :)


  1. Amy I am glad you found something happy in your move. I have enjoyed reading your blog and your beautiful photos.

  2. Your china cabinet IS very cheery! Everything so bright and sweet - just like you! Miss you all so much. Peggy said your installation was beautiful. We are happy for you. Praying for you everyday!

    Hannah wants me to tell you about an online game for Alice. It's called Web States Games by Sheppard Software. You can click and drag states into their proper places on the map!

    Have fun learning!

  3. Thank you so much, Heidi... we miss you guys!


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