
Happy Things

I love the effect that spring time has on my girls' closet... it becomes such a beautiful sight! All three girls are sharing a room now... and the closet fits all their clothes perfectly! Combined with the fact that the closet is also the home of their baby dolls and play things, all the pastel clothes make me want to leave the doors open. This is definitely a Happy Thing :)


  1. That is the prettiest closet I have ever seen! I have little boy closets that are full of dinosaurs and denim. :) Maybe someday. *sigh*

    Your photography is so beautiful Amy. I have loved looking through your photos.

    ♥ Melissa~
    Pink Paper Peppermints

  2. Thanks, Melissa! I always say the same thing about boys... Maybe someday :) I guess that's out of our control :) For now I'll enjoy what I've got!!


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