
Printable Jar Labels... for you :)

Hi there :)
I had a friend ask if I'd ever considered making printable jar labels... no.  I hadn't.  Because, you see, I don't have a garden.  I don't can things.  I don't even know when canning season is... surely there are things worth canning in the fall?? (don't laugh at me.)  If not, save them for next summer :)

enough said.

So to save these labels just click on the individual images and save.... they are high-resolution .pngs that can be re-sized to whatever size you need for your jars.  Print on round stickers or sticker paper... whatever! 
*Please do remember... these are for personal use only.  These images/files can not be re-distributed, sold, or used for profit of any kind.  Feel free to pin them, though!



  1. Thanks so much - they are very fine. I will use them as I am canning in these days. The autum is beginning to show the fantastic colours here in Denmark. I wish you a fine day.

  2. Just what I need at the moment! Thanks!

  3. these are the cutest little labels... thanks so much for sharing! {i also pinned them...} have a great rest of your week...

  4. Thanks, Amy! Those are so cute and I'm in the middle of jam making season. Perfect!

  5. Oh my goodness, these are so wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing such lovely printables.

  6. Thank you!! These are very nice!


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