
This and That

School planning.
Lots of Instagram :)
Lucy is 4 mo. (well actually closer to 5...I'm that behind!)
I've got plans... to actually blog more than once a month. ha!
I've got ideas... that I'll eventually be showing you.
I'm re-branding my business.  Working on new products for my Etsy store.
Hang with me, y'all.  This is just a season, so I've been told :)

My sweet Lucy... my precious time-stealer  :)
I went vintage this round of pics... vintage sweater that my mom gave me, and vintage blanket from Auntie Jaime at Raising up Rubies...


  1. She looks adorable! We've been missing you! :)

    Hugs from Spain!

  2. I see you in the last pic of Lucy. Looking forward to seeing your new work, I still need to take a few pics of the girls new room, with the adorable wallpaper up. Xoxo, under His Mercy


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Blogging tips