
The Kiddos

So I'm very pleased with myself (for finally doing it)... and pleased to be able to show you a few pics of my kiddos... all together!!  I don't think I've had a good picture of them all together since V was a newborn.  There is something very satisfying and wonderful about seeing them all lined up :)  oh, joy :)

Alice is turning 8 next month, Elsie is 5 1/2, Sadie is 3 1/2, and V is 18mo.  They are growing like weeds... and once again I find myself without a baby  :(  Oh, how time flies. 



  1. Oh Amy, those sweet faces are incredible. God is good! I love how much of you and Jeremy I can see in them. I hope we can meet up someday soon!

  2. I just came across your blog, what a beautiful blog, and your children are beautiful also! have a blessed weekend


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