
A HAPPY THING from Raising Up Rubies

I received the most impressively beautiful and creative gift last week.... 

Well, let me back up.  Last Spring I came to know the lovely and creative Jaime...  but back then,  the first thing I recognized about her was her love for Christ.   It wasn't until I started doing some design work for her that I realized how much else we had in common!  A friendship formed based on creative whimsy,  pretty patterns, vintage flair, and our Lord :) 

Well, after I finished her blog header, she continued to amaze me as she began to post on her blog!  You must check our her blog... take a look at her craft room... and then you have to see her newly launched Etsy store.  This girl is awesome. 

Anyway... back to the gift.  Like I said, she just opened an Etsy store and she sent me some of the goodies that she's planning on selling there...  take a look :)

Every last detail was perfect... adorable tags on everything, strips of vintage sheets here and there, glassine bags, kraft paper, little hearts everywhere...  made me swoon :)

The box is still on my desk...spilling over with all the happy goodies... It makes me smile every time I look at it... it's most definitely a Happy Thing :)

Thanks again, Jaime!   love you!



  1. Amy ♥ sweet friend you have put a song in my heart! your beautiful pictures make everything look even lovlier! thank you so much for your sweet words and your friendship to me
    ♥ much love


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