
Show and Tell... My new business cards

I've been wanting to redesign my business cards for awhile now... but, alas, it's hard to find time for "recreational" projects these days!
I've had about five different...very different... ideas for a new card design.  So I picked the quickest one and tackled it the other night.  (Maybe next month, I'll design another "new" business card!)  I had recently purchased some tiny manilla envelopes and decided to turn the envelopes themselves into business cards.  Then I could stuff them with fun things!  You see I always like to include some free stickers (they're folded up in the pic) and some scripture with my packages... And of course, I sealed the back with my mini washi tape strips :)

Take a peak! ...

They make me smile :)  Hopefully, they'll make my customers smile as well!



  1. LOVE it! The package I received from you with your business card, stickers, verse really made my day! :) The personal touch speaks volumes about your character!

  2. Those are SOOOO fabulous! I am working on a business card, too, and really want something better than the regular rectangle of card stock. You really made yours unique to you and I'm totally impressed!

  3. cute! your old one is hanging on my fridge, scripture side out. :)

  4. What a great idea! They are beautiful!!!!
    Love the washi tape. I have to buy some!! :)

  5. Truly gorgeous!! They make me smile just looking at the pics.
    Thank you for being such a light in my world. You will never know the true extent to which God has spoken to me through your blogs.
    May his abundant blessing follow and catch you always. xo

  6. Nice..that is very interesting would have never thought of anything like that.

  7. They are adorable...not sure if you're aware of this or not, but Serena, from the Farm Chicks, is holding a contest for the cutest business's the link: Unfortunately, I saw that is has to be in to her by Friday!

  8. Are those business card bookmarks and invitations? Those are pretty creative, and they're so cute and inspirational .Your business will surely be showered with many blessings and prosperity. :)

  9. These business cards are so fun and full of surprises. The Bible quotes would brighten up anyone's day! Why not put poetry or inspiration quotations too? That would surely make people smile too. Hmm, these are great ideas for writing a letter!


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