
Pretty Valentines... for you to print :)

Hello Friends!
I have something for you...  some pretty Valentines Printables.  I made these with my little girls in mind, but they would be perfect for anyone who appreciates a little whimsy and love :)  I had quite a bit of fun creating the little characters and the patterns for you...  It was like doodling during class in high school all over again!   I'm planning on putting mine in little glassine envelopes... I love being able to see the pretty patterns and colors through the foggy paper :)  Here's where I got them...

I also have a thought to pass along with Valentine's Day in mind...
You know, when I think of God's word which reveals his heart and his plan for creation,  I can't help but see it as a love story.  An amazing love story of a God who deeply wants a relationship with his creation... a love so strong that he would do anything to restore us and bring us back to him. 
"For God so loved the world...."  Just something to think about during this season of love!


   ****As always...File and finished product for personal use only... not for resale or profit of any kind.


Blessings and LOVE in Christ,


  1. Those are adorable! Thanks for sharing them.

  2. OMG!! You are AMAZING! Love These cards!

  3. Zauberhaft!
    Ich mag Deine süße Art von Printables.
    Ohne Text ist für mich gut, dann kann ich in deutsch scheiben;O)
    Mach weiter so!!!
    Alles Liebe Silke

  4. amy, these are ridiculously cute and i can use them in so many ways! thank you and have a lovely week. oh and i adored your bathroom tour and i wish i had that darling shower curtain!! you truly inspire me. thanks for that xoxo!!

  5. These are so adorable, precious actually - my little girl is going to give these out at our party on Sunday - thanks sooo very much. Oh and I linked this up over at my blog.

  6. These cards are so fantastic - I will look forward to use them. I wish you a fine weekend.

  7. So SWEET - thank you!

    Darcy from

  8. Hi, Just wanted to say thanks for sharing. They are lovely, whimsy and sweet! Can't wait to share them with my daughter's class!

  9. Absolutely gorgeous, Amy! Thanks. :)


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