
A New Years Wish ... and a Printable :)

I'm a control freak (to be completely honest with you)... but not in the way where I have to take charge, boss people around, and do things my way...  different from that.

It's more about having things under control.  ... mainly my home, my kids, my stuff...  I like to be one step ahead, not behind.  I like to be proactive, not reactive.

Lately life has been out of control.  I'm ten steps behind, hanging on by a thread, and just hoping my world stays together and life doesn't completely fall apart.   I've slacked on training with my girls, let up on reading/studying God's word,  I've put off going to the Lord in prayer, I push down the clothes in the hamper a little farther instead of starting a load of laundry, my kitchen floor is filthy, my desk is super unorganized, I haven't unpacked our suitcase from last week... and I've allowed these things to get under my skin.  I feel out of control.  I feel behind.  I feel like a failure.  What a great way to start the new year! :)

I went to church yesterday morning...  and listened to a New Years sermon.  I was in and out of the service, because of my loud youngest child, but God did speak to me.

These days when I utter a prayer in the midst of the chaos, it usually is a feeble cry for God to help me handle my load, my responsibilities.  As I started to breath that prayer in church yesterday, I felt God ask me... if I would trust him.  If I would trust him instead of trusting in my ability to conquer my life.  Could I be okay with chaos raging around me, just holding on to my Savior?  Maybe I don't need to get my life under control... maybe I just need to allow myself to be under God's control.

So my prayer has changed...

My New Years prayer is this:

Oh God, help me to trust in  you and not in myself and my ability to control all the pieces of my life.  Bring me under your control... hide me under the shelter of  your wing and comfort me.  Help me to be okay with the chaos raging around me if it makes me more dependent on you.  Grant me joy and peace in this year ahead...that can only come from you, not from crossing off things on a to-do list.  Thank you for  your promise to never leave me no matter what life brings.

 My New Years  prayer for you:

You can print your own copy of this art print, as a reminder to trust in the Lord this new year...  it's a 5x7... frame it, pin it up, or pass it on to a friend!

DOWNLOAD it here :)

Blessing in Christ and Happy New Year!


  1. Thank you, Amy.
    I needed this Word this year!

  2. Thanks for the printable and for your encouraging words!

  3. That is exactly the kind of promise and prayer I need in my life too! Thanks for bringing it to our attention. And thanks for the adorable printable!!!

  4. i love this scripture! thank you so much for sharing. Happy New Year lovely one~

  5. sweets, i needed to come back and let you know i have been thinking about you. this is sweet and tender of you to be so honest. this is one of the most important things i have ever been taught in my life... I AM ENOUGH. trust yourself lovely one, He is there lifting you and teaching you. i am so happy for you that you heard His voice on Sunday. xoxo

  6. This is stunning, thank you! Already have it printed and framed right beside my laptop.


  7. I just found your blog via Pinterest. I love everything! Thank you for sharing your printables, really too cute!

  8. Thank you! I just printed it out. Becca :-)

  9. Lovely! My neighbor is having a hysterectomy tomorrow in hopes of removing cancer. This print is PERFECT for her. I'm off to get a frame right now, and deliver this to her this evening. Thank you for being so generous with your talents, and sharing your wonderful prints with the world. :)

  10. Just wanted to tell you that I've pinned your site to death, I think. :-) I LOVE your printables!! Thank you SOOOOOO much for sharing for free!! Definitely a blessing to our whole family!! :-) Hope you and yours have a great day!! :-)


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