
Today is our Christmas... take a peek.... :)

Today our family is celebrating Christmas!  My brain is too fried to write something cohesive... so...
here are my thoughts in bullet form :)

-To help you understand the context of this day and these photos... JJ and I didn't go to bed last night.  We have been so busy this December, all Christmas gift prep was left till this week.  I've had just a couple nights that ended before 3 am in the last several weeks.  Today I am full of joy, but in a complete fog!

-Jeremy COMPLETELY surprised me with a gift that I've been asking for since our first year of marriage... so absolutely amazingly sweet.

-We painted our living room two weeks ago... I've been wanting to show you, but haven't had time.

-My house is anything but clean today, and I need to do laundry, pack for trip to KS, finish family's gifts, wrap presents for trip, and be festive!

-Jeremy is currently dead to the world.

-It's sunny today...YEA... and it makes the girls' room look lovely.

-JJ and I made the girls cardboard box cages for their animals, pretend mail, and LOTS of little notebooks to draw and write stories in.

-I am overwhelmed by the sacrifice God made to come to earth as a child... to keep his promise and send a Savior...  "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."  Thank you, Lord.

Blessing to you this Christmas... and may you know the true joy of the season that comes from a relationship with Christ, the Savior of the world...



  1. without Christmas there would be no Easter! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  2. ❊..(
    ❊#ª“˜¨ ᴺᴵᴳᴴᵀ﹗

    Hoy es Noche Buena y mañana Navidad!!
    te deseo una Navidad tranquila y con mucho cariño!!
    un abrazo

  3. Merry Christmas Amy & to your family!!
    Your photos are precious. I love the shot of a not so clean kitchen sink area..but hey it's real life! Also the shot of your vintage sheets...oh I'm just a tad jealous! & your Tiffany & Co necklace!!! Really jealous now..nah, I'm not! How thoughtful and what a caring husband you must have! :) I love it!!!!
    God Bless you and your family....

  4. I loved the pictures of your day, Amy!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  5. Your photography is just breathtaking. I love the foggy bullet points. It made looking at your photos that much more fun! Merry Christmas my friend. I rejoice with you as we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus. Love to you and your family!

  6. Merry Christmas, Amy! I love your photos...and the living rooms looks lovely!

  7. how fun! your living room is gorgeous, looove the colors. everyone looks so happy and adorable. xoxo


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