

Hi! It's been so long since I've been able to sit down and do much of anything on the computer... It has been so crazy here (in Edmond, OK...can you believe it ?! ) since we moved in. Last night Jeremy and I counted up that today would only be the 4th day, living in this house, that we have been alone... yeah. And we moved the last weekend of Feb. ! First off, we had construction workers in our house for 2 weeks pretty much straight... a steady stream of family... and some visitors.... Except for the construction workers, it was wonderful to have help, company, and the distraction of others to get us through the first month of living here. Yet, I must admit it feels so good to have a few moments to myself now! (disclaimer: this in no way means that I don't want company... please come and visit any time!!!!!)
The house is starting to feel like a home... I think I'll enjoy living here. Some days, though, I do have to make a conscious effort not to think about how it compares to our old home in Hillsboro. I loved that house... it was so me. (check out pics of it under Our Little Home) But I just have to be thankful that I was able to enjoy it for those 2 years. It really was fun to get to live there. As soon as I'm done decorating our house here, I'll be sure to post some pictures. This house may not feel familiar and it may not warm me with its charm yet... but as I watch my girls run from room to room, play and laugh, and as we all sit around the dinner table, I am very aware that God has plans for us. God has blessings for us... here.


  1. Oh Amy, I was just thinking about you the other day and how I missed your posts! I was also thinking about how I never got to try out your 50mm lens...I think I am going to buy one :) Do you still like yours? I miss all you artwork and photography posts! I hope you can get settled in and start sharing with us soon again!

  2. Thanks Megan :) I've really missed having time to post... Yes, I love my 50mm lens. It's pretty much the only thing I use these days! btw.. your pictures just keep getting better and better! I really enjoy seeing them :)


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