
Saying goodbye and feeling nostalgic...

So much has happen in this house...
We went through a painful miscarriage...
Watched Elsie take her first steps...
Found out we were expecting twins....
Lost Sophie....
Welcomed Sadie...
Watched Alice develop a love for Christ and his word...
Watched Alice and Elsie become best friends...
Watched Sadie take her first steps...
Felt God's call into full-time ministry...

Memorial Road MB Church

The house we're moving to...(can't call it a home yet!)

Hopefully it will be done by the time we get there!

In a month or two hopefully I can share pictures of our new home...


  1. We will miss you! Thank you for all the time you have given for our youth and inviting us to share in the Truth Project. I'm glad we could get to know you better. You will be in our thoughts and prayers everyday!
    Looking forward to seeing pictures of your new house as you make it your home. (Love all the cupboards and counter space!!!)

  2. I'm sad to hear you are moving, but happy for new beginnings. I felt the exact same way moving from our little house to this apartment. SO many memories, I cried and even said goodbye to the got better though and now i have happy thoughts about that house instead of sadness about being gone. Good luck to you and your family!


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