
Free Printable Stickers to Cheer You!

Hi friends :)
Happy New Year!  (a bit...a lot...late!)  How's 2017 treating you?

I feel rather blah.  I already feel discouraged about the goals and changes I had hoped to make in the new year.  It's been gloomy, rainy, and blah around here.  Usually I enjoy the quiet of winter...the need to cozy up with tea...the shorter days and the slower pace of life.

I feel like I'm stuck in a the standard rhythm of life is pulling me down and not allowing me to break into new rhythms.

Within that train of thought, it occurred to me the other day that this is the longest I've been in a consistent place in life. Up until now there have been significant changes every year or so.
First marriage,
then a baby,
a move,
a job change,
a new house,
a baby,
a move,
a job change,
a new house,
a baby,
a call into ministry,
a move,
a new house,
a baby,
a new house,
a job change,
a baby.....................................................................................................

And now almost four years later,  I've found myself in a place that is entirely strange.  Nothing new.  I always said that I wanted to settle in some where.  And I still feel that on one side of my brain.  But I'm realizing how comfortable I am with change.  In fact, how much I enjoy change!  I love new houses, I love new challenges, and I LOVE new babies.  So here I sit in a house I love, a town I love, a church I love, with growing kids (that I adore!) ... and I'm feeling stuck.

What do I do with that?

What can I do but seek the Author and Finisher, my Creator and all powerful loving Father... He sees where I am.... in this GOOD, but challenging place.  And I WAIT...  for His direction, for His plans, for His peace and joy.

But it's still hard...especially because I'm impatient :)

When I realized that this was the first time in our marriage that we'd gone so long without any significant change,  I wanted to take things into my own hands....  So I told Jeremy maybe we should get my tubes untied and have another baby.

you should have seen. his. face.  :)  haha

He said no.

So we compromised and decided we'll paint a room.


But in the midst of all this "lack of change,"  I'm increasingly grateful for my little creative business.  It gives me something to develop ( along with those 5 squirrely kiddos of mine).  I always have some new goal, ambition, or project that I'm working towards.  And this is most certainly a wonderful gift from God.

So I created this happy little set of Care Bear stickers the other day... for me...and for you!!  I used them in my planner, but you could use them for anything!  They make me smile and think of my childhood :)

So enjoy!  Maybe they will cheer you just a whatever place of life you find yourself :)

Simply print on sticker paper (I like Avery full sheet labels), cut, and stick wherever!

Click on the high resolution JPEG below and save to your computer.



  1. Thanks for sharing! I love the original care bears. :) We have 6 kids and are done...but I still find myself wishing for another baby sometimes. My husband has the same reaction as yours. Ha!

  2. Just reading this! I'll be sure to print out those care bears....thank you so much❤ Also wanted to mention that we had a change of heart (it was actually the Lord) and reversed my husband's vasectomy. Reversal is possible with your tubes as well...a bit more money but it's doable 😊 Blessings, Angela


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