
Ta-Da! I'm back...

Hey friends :)

Well, It's been over a year since I've been here.  wow.

And to be honest, it was a relief to have one less thing on my to-do list.  It was hard to step away, but necessary. And looking back now I realize exactly how necessary it was.  I was in a transition phase of my life without even knowing it. And I needed time to make that hard transition...

When I began my blog seven plus years ago, I was a different person.  I had three little girls, one of which was a baby!  I was a creative stay-at-home mama who wanted an outlet for photography, spiritual growth, family, and beauty.   I was constantly taking pictures of my growing babies, relaying their energy draining antics and the spiritual refinement that was taking place as a result!

But over the years, my babies got big (gulp), my camera was set aside and replaced by my Wacom drawing tablet, and all of my energy went into homeschooling my growing kiddos, running two Etsy shops, and daily supporting my husband in his role as lead pastor at our church.

But I realized something the other day... while I a have changed, the need to express my heart to somebody remains.  I realized that my blog followers from years past were perhaps the ones who knew me best.  You see, I'm a homebody who's also an introvert.  My days are spent with my kiddos, and my evenings with my husband.  I daily share on Instagram, but not my heart.

So I'd like to reclaim this spot to share with you...whoever you are!  I may not have cute baby pictures or stories of rogue toddlers trying to break into the neighbors car... but there's plenty to share.  I'm still a wife and mama desperately clinging to the hope of Christ.  I'm still in need of fellowship, friendship, and encouragement...just like you.  And I've still got good stories to tell :) ...just not about babies.... (ahem...Lucy... the craziest kiddo of them all).

And of course, I won't be able to resist sharing my creative side as well! ...I'm sure there will be some free printables along the way :)

So on that note,  I will leave you with a few catch up photos of my life over the past months!

My hubs, Jeremy...a.k.a the bearded pastor... built me this desk over the summer.  Can you say, "spoiled much!?"

Lucy has humbled me as a mom in ways that V wasn't even capable of!  She is every all the good ways and all the hard ways.  She. Is. More.

V (Virgil) grew curls...just like the rest of them!

Lucy and V act like an old married couple :)

Sadie loves to dress up :)

Elsie loves to anyone that will listen!

Alice is so grown-up! She is nearly as tall as me and wears the same size shoe...yikes.

Alice is 12, Elsie, is 9.5, Sadie is almost 8, V is 5.5, and Lucy is a spunky 3.5!

That'll do for today :)  We'll catch up more later.

Blessings to you all,

Amy J.

1 comment:

  1. I love your heart and all you are! Glad we're friends! Wish there weren't so many miles between ♡


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