
"Always Have Hope" Free Printable for the New Year!

Hi Friends :)
Happy New Year to you.

Can you tell I sound tired?  I am.
In fact, I'm always tired :)

I have five kids, I'm a pastor's wife, I'm in my thirties... I guess those are plenty of reasons to be tired.
But this past December I hit an all time low.  I just don't have the physical strength to keep up with my life!  And I'm talking just the basics! ... kids, hubs, food, and semi-clean house!  I have almost completely had to set aside my other ambitions... I long to be creative!  To decorate my house, make things for no real reason, try new recipes, draw, craft with my kids, and DESIGN!!

Why am I telling you this?

Well...  It's because I've become so desperate that I'm actually going to do the one thing that I never wanted to do.  {big dramatic pause}  Get healthy.
There I said it.  And you know it's the reverse implication that's the hard part to admit. I've been unhealthy.  oy.

So I'm ditching the Diet Coke... goodbye friend of 16+ years.
I'm ditching the candy and sweets...
And I'm actually going to eat things that work towards giving me energy instead of zapping it.

Yeah, yeah, I know.  It's nothing mind-blowing.  It's kind of a no brainer, but you have no idea how much I've depending on DC and sugar to get me through life!  ...kinda sad.

I've also started researching how to battle chronic fatigue, thyroid issues, and anxiety with nutrition and supplements.  I've got a lot to learn, but I feel that I'm on the right track.

You see... I've got a job to do.  I'm here to be the best wife possible to my man.  I'm here to raise these 5 kiddos in the knowledge and truth of Christ.  I'm here to testify to anyone within ear-shot of the Grace I've received from my Savior and spur others on in their relationship with him.  And I'm struggling to do my job these days.  So with His help, I've got to get this body of mine back in strong working order!!

So what are you tackling this New Year?
Do you have hope for the days ahead?
I feel like I do.

Well,  here on this poor neglected blog I always share a New Years printable.  I didn't have time or energy to make one :) HA!
So I'm pulling one from my Etsy store...  It will only be available for the month of January here on the blog.

I will always have hope.... for each new day, to tackle the daily mountains and find victory in Christ.
I will always have hope.... for this life.  God has a plan for me and wants to work all things together for the good of those who love him.
I will always have hope.... for what comes after this life.  My hope is ultimately eternal.  Nothing that happens in this world can ever separate me from the love of Christ and what he has in store for those who seek him.

Oh, God help me to cling to the hope I find in you.  Give me the strength to seek you daily.  Give me peace as I cling to you... no matter what happens today or in the year to come....  And help me to boldly proclaim the hope that is only found in your son, Jesus.  I give this year to you....

* simply click on the image and right click to save the image to your computer!  It is a high-resolution 8x10.png  ready to print.  As always this print is for personal use or to give as a gift.  File may not be distributed or used for profit of any kind. 

Blessings and Happy New Year!


  1. What a lovely post! I'm also on a journey to health - I'll be rooting for you.

  2. God told Gideon....'You can do it because I am with you.'

    Fill your body with the natural goodness God made for us to eat and you will feel the benefits. It will be hard tho' so remember the little quote.

    With love
    Nora xx

  3. I hear ya sister!! Best wishes through it all....

  4. I think I had this exact conversation with my husband two days ago, and I only have one with one on the way. :) The only positive about this round of morning sickness is that chocolate is a complete turn-off. Hahaha. Blessings to you and your family this New Year.

  5. You can do it Amy! We are making similar changes in our house… we're doing the challenges on - here we go! :)

  6. Good for you!! And where would we be without the hope we have in Christ?


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