
A Printable Menu Planner and Some Other Random Stuff

Wow... it's been too long!  Time flies when you're... crazy busy. 
So here's what going on:

I've got a printable weekly menu planner for you!  It's the one I use.  It also happens to match the planner pages I made for you way back when...  Print it up and get cookin'!


(*As always...File and finished product for personal use only... not for resale or profit of any kind. )
OH, and I would just LOVE IT if you would leave a cheery hello if you are planning on downloading this!  ...or even if you're not... I'd love for you to say hello.  It makes me oh. so. happy.  :)

I've been just lovin' instagram lately...  It has been so awesome during this stage of life with our Lucy Lou.  Being able to do something with one hand that keeps you connected to the outside world when you're a busy mom is no small thing!
Are you on instagram??  I'd love to connect with you... come find me!  @amyjdelightful
These are a few of my recent faves on there...  unlike my blog... I post on there everyday!  Hard to believe, I know. 

Okay, what's next!?

What's Virgil up to... you may ask...?
Well... just today he ate toothpaste, cut his hair, hit his sister with a metal clamp, put soap in his hair, colored on himself with permanent marker, ate out of the sugar bowl.... ummm that's probably most of it :)  But he is ADORABLE.  And he looks like his daddy more and more each day...which makes him super lovable :)

So what's God teaching you these days? 

He's still trying to rid me of my pride, my selfishness, and lack of self-control.  oy. 
On the note of being made humble... I had a really rough Sunday a couple weeks back.  Sunday's are always a bit intense no matter what.  You see my hubs is just recently the lead pastor at our church... so I kinda single mom it on Sundays.  It's very doable, but I feel like I always have to bring my A game each week!  It takes all I've got to get us all ready, get there on time, wrangle the kids while we are there, and keep from looking completely frazzled!!   And still, since Lucy's been born, I think I've "lost" Virgil every Sunday.  I try so hard to keep an eye on him, but that stinker is quick and darn sly! Well, a couple Sundays ago I just broke down at church and cried.  alot.  it was embarrassing.  I missed most of the service sitting in a classroom trying to compose myself and dry my eyes.  Oh, to be humbled. 

I'm also learning how much we need fellowship with Christ and with other believers DAILY.  ...not just on Sundays for either of those!  We are meant to run this race together!  I've been reminded that I need to be intentional about this.  I know that I need to spend time in prayer and in the Word each day... but are my conversations with the people in my life ones that spur them on in their walk with Christ?  Do the topics of my conversations with people reflect Christ in me... or the world in me?   I need fellow believers to hold me accountable and to spur me on...  And you do to!  

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,  not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."  Hebrews 10:24-25

Okay, well that's probably enough...  I'm done rambling, I believe. 

One last thing... I'll leave you with some recent shots of Lucy and me.  I just love these kind of "self-portraits."  She fell asleep while I was taking them... love. it. oh so much.



  1. You have a beautiful family, and your self portraits with Lucy are absolutely sweet and gorgeous!

  2. My husband does allot of the cooking but I like the idea of this so I'm totally downloading it! And your chore chart I just have to figure out how to fill it in i'm going to make a chore chart for Just my 11yr olds bedroom it always looks like a tornado went through about an hour after I deep clean it lol

  3. I've decided to finally get my meal planning/budget game on point. These menus are perfect! THANK YOU

  4. I have been where you are trying to wrangle a big family to church on time! It can be frustrating. Pray ahead of time for God's help in having a smooth morning and pray for His help with the children's spirits to be pleasant and cooperative. That always helped me. I call it preventative maintenance! Lol. I did a lot of praying for strength and patience when raising my family.


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