
Baby Doll Record Book Printable for your Little Girl

So these days, our household is pretty much in complete baby mode.  So on that note, I have a free printable for those of you with little girls who love playing with baby dolls!

Do any of you remember the little Golden Book called "The New Baby"?  This was one of my absolute favorite books as a little girl.  I loved looking at all the pictures of the little baby and all the sweet baby things...  all illustrated by Eloise Wilkins.  So cute. Well, after reading this book to my girls... in honor of our new baby... we decided that we needed to make some Baby Doll Record Books for the girls to fill out for their baby dolls!

It is packed full of so much sweet baby girly goodness... with lots of pages for an imaginative little girl to fill out (or for her mommy to fill out)!  We have ours assembled, and have started to fill in the info... but we've yet to take pictures of our baby dolls.  It will be a fun project to work on for the next several weeks.  I'm actually going to use it for my oldest to practice her hand-writing and spelling for homeschool...  (much more fun than worksheets!).

To assemble the book you will need to download and print the pages below.  You will print two 81/2 x 11 pages front and back... then cut each sheet in half.  Then each half sheet will be folded and then all the pages stacked together. (I added pages numbers, to help you figure out the order!!)  The cover should be printed separately on a thicker paper, like card stock, then cut out.   I chose to bind our little books with twine... but they could be stapled as well.

Click on each link below to Download all the files...






*As always...File and finished product are not for resale or profit of any kind.  Please contact me if  you have any questions about usage.

Oh, and of course I can't post these days without showing you a couple pics of my sweet Lucy Lou!  She is 4 weeks today... can't believe it.



  1. What sweet pictures of your baby girl! Congratulations!

    Thank you for the adorable printable--I can think of several girls around here who will LOVE this!

  2. Absolute love seeing pics of your family, Amy! More than ever.

  3. very sweet printables, pinning :)

  4. WOW!! This is such a sweet printable!! BEAUTIFUL!! I am so excited to have found your blog and to be your newest follower!
    :) Rebecca

  5. Thank you for sharing this gem with us. My four little girls will devour such charming books, especially as we are expecting a fifth bundle in September. Though my computer time is minimal these days, I so enjoy reading your blog when I check in.
    Blessings as you savor these sweet baby days,

  6. Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your pretty designs with us, I've made use of 2 pages from this darling book, but in a new way :) come and see how I've used your baby pages at my blog Mocha doodle designs.

  7. Thanks! This is precious. I love pretend play for kids.

  8. Oh, SO CUTE! Thank you very much for this wonderful gift! ;)

  9. These are amazing! many many thank for being so generous! Love

  10. These are just awesome They are really appreciated thanks for sharing


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