
I'd like to introduce to you...


Lucy arrived on Wednesday April 3, as scheduled...  Everything went very well!
Unlike our other kiddos, we chose Lucy's name pretty much just because we really like it!  It isn't a family name or anything, but we love the meaning....  Lucille means "light."  Our prayer for her is that she will be a light in this dark world, reflecting the light of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."  Matthew 5:16

Off... I go for now!  I need to nurse :)
There are so many things I'd love to share with you already...  emotions, thoughts, pictures, stories... out the wazoo!  But they will have to wait... a tiny hungry squirmy person awaits me.  :)



  1. She is a totally adorable angel......and I love her name.....huge congratulations to your little family! xxx

  2. Congratulations Amy! She is so precious :)

    God Bless you both!

  3. She's perfect! Congratulations.

  4. Oh, so sweet! Love her name and her precious first pictures!! So happy for you Amy! Congrats : )

  5. Congratulations, what a precious blessing!

  6. What a beautiful baby and love her name :) Enjoy your newest blessing!!

  7. She is precious! What a little miracle!

  8. Oh Amy, she is just beautiful! My sweet grandmother's name was Lucille, so it's a name I adore...congratulations on your precious bundle of sweetness!

  9. Congratulations! Perfectly perfect.

  10. Bless you Lucy and welcome to the world xxx

    Congratulations Amy...she is gorgeous.

    What a delightful set of pics to see this morning...lifted my heart.

    With Love xx

  11. Hi, I'm from Brazil and I never wrote here before but I always read your blog. I have a two-year-old daughter and I chose her name for the same reason, it means LIGHT. Her name is Elena and I was inspired by the same Bible verse. They will be light in this dark world!

    Congratulations on the little one. She's adorable!

  12. dear sweet Amy J. ♥ my heart is so full of joy for you! she is precious precious precious! and i love her name!
    much love to you & take naps :) talk soon ♥

  13. Beautiful baby, beautiful name. Many blessings to you :)

  14. Congratulations on your bundle of joy :) She is so precious! I love her name.

  15. what a beautiful little girl!
    congrats, amy j!!

  16. Congratulations Amy! She is so beautiful...I've been anxiously awaiting the announcement! The pictures of Lucy are beautiful! And I love her name! I'll be praying for you, Andrea Greene

  17. What a sweet little angel the Lord delivered to you. She looks so darling in her pink gown on the pink flowered pillow. Every bit of sugar and spice.

  18. Thank you so much for sharing your little light with us!!! Oh so tiny and precious... and perfect! What a wonderful name choice. Congrats!!!

  19. Que LIndaaaaa! Deus abençõe poderosamente ! Que ela cresça em estatura, graça e conhecimento.

  20. Oh sweet Lucy, good work mommy! I love your creations, and how The Lord gave you a gift of creativity!

  21. Congratulations!! She is beautiful! I also had my little one on the 3rd :-) Every birth is just as amazing as the first one, such a blessing! God is good!

  22. Amy, no habia visitado tu blog desde que diste la noticia de tu espera. Abro hoy me llenade alegria conocer a Lucy. ¡ Felicidades a toda la familia ! Que el señor los colme de bendiciones

  23. Oh, she is really really adorable! Congratutions for you and your family! I wish you all the luck in the world.
    Regards from the Netherlands.

  24. I just want to wish your new child and all in your family all the best and may God bless the future for you.


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