
A Sweet Feature, A V Day printable, and Virgil is 2!

Today,  a sweet bloggy friend of mine... I've told you about her before.... is featuring me on her blog!  I did some vintage Betsy McCall style dress graphics for her and she turned them into adorable garlands that she sells in her Etsy store... you must go take a look!  If you comment on her blog, you are entered to win a free garland.  super fun. 

Thanks for the sweet words, Jaime :)


I also have a Valentine's Day Printable for you!
As always I'm late on the holiday thing...  You might just have to save it for next year :)
It came as a result of me suddenly realizing it might be nice to do a few Valentines with the girls... so to the computer I ran and made this happy little Paisley Butterfly to color.
We added a little bit of glitter to make them just a bit more special... :)

Even if you already have Valentines to give away, these butterflies would make a happy coloring activity for Heart Day... lots of tiny details to enjoy coloring! My 4, 6, and 8 year olds all had a blast with them!


*As always...File and finished product are not for resale or profit of any kind.  Please contact me if  you have any questions about usage.


One last thing... My little baby boy, is turning 2 today.  I thought I just had him... wasn't I pregnant with him like yesterday?  So weird.  But today, I'm thankful for my one and apparently only, little boy :)
Happy Birthday, Virgil!
(and yes, he doesn't have pants on...again... in this photo from this morning.)



  1. Thank you for the beautiful butterflies, my 3 and 6 year old will love coloring them! Your blog is great, I'm so glad I found you! And for what it's worth, my 6 year old spent about 3 years pantless before she finally got around to thinking bottoms might be alright ;) And sockless...

  2. Beautiful, thanks once again for sharing


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