
30 weeks Preggers ... a few snap shots...

Okay!  I gave it my best effort... so these are going to have to do :)  I look as big as a house.  I blame it on the foofy dress.  I am huge, don't get me wrong, but I think these pics make me look even more whale-like than normal!  ha!  Oh, well...

Speaking of being preggers....  I have hit a real wall with my patience, energy, and general amusement with being pregnant!  I still have a solid 2 months left (we scheduled the c-section for April 3)!  I daily waffle between major nesting feelings and not wanting to do anything.  So frustrating!  I need to just keep my head in the game... focus on life now... my kids, homeschooling, my walk with the Lord, my final graphic design projects, the laundry, etc...  but it's hard to not just want to do "baby" things or just sleep!  ...oh, God grant me patience :)



  1. You look beautiful! I too am trying to figure out how to get some good self portraits of myself this pregnancy. I am due on April 13. And I'm right there with ya, so ready for this two months to go by! Excited to meet my little boy and ready to be done! Nesting is taking over and I don't think I'll get it all done in time! lol Congrats to you and Hang in there! Can't wait to see pics when your new little one arrives! :-)

  2. You are beautiful, Amy!
    I loved seeing these pictures of you...and I am thinking that God looked at all he had made as said it was "good".

  3. Aaaww Amy, you look sooo beutiful! :)
    Makes me wanna have a baby!
    Blessings to you, too!

  4. I LOVE that last shot! So beautiful... all of them! I must send a pic soon to show you the custom print you made for us. It took me a bit of time to get everything together in a sweet collage. Thanks again. I do so love it. :)

  5. Beautiful pics. My fav is the first. Have to say I do love the dress, despite you feeling big in it, it is super sweet! Grace for the next 2 months.

  6. Gorgeous. Just gorgeous. I love the old-timey look in these shots. And pregnant bellies are so precious. I regret not taking more pics when I was pregnant. Next time I'll do better :)

  7. Sweetheart, you are not huge. You are carrying a whole other person. I'd like to see a man look thin doing it. You are a very pretty pregnant lady. This is my first time on your blog and don't mean to get so personal, but I hate it when absolutely gorgeous women think badly of themselves. I will be back, so you better look at yourself in a better light.

  8. You're beautiful!! I like the first photo the best. Will add you and your little one to my list of pregnant moms that I pray for. Blessings!! ~ Abby


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