
An Announcement... that probably won't surprise you.

That's right... we are expecting baby #5! 

Our family just got back from KS, where we made the announcement to all of our folks/grandparents.

Oddly enough...even though we had told everyone that we were done with #4... no one was really surprised by our announcement!  Everyone figured we'd have more... (shaking my head)...  apparently they know us better than we know ourselves!  ...kind of annoying... but it made me smile :)

Speaking of assumptions and number of kiddos...  While Jeremy and I were in Kansas we went to a Homecoming dinner for our old Alma Mater.  We sat next to an older couple and made pleasant conversation with them throughout the dinner.  When we were about to leave, the lady asked us if we happen to have any kids.  We told her that we had 4 and were actually expecting our 5th.  She gasped and blatantly looked me up and down.  Then she declared that I was too young to have that many kids.  She then turned to her older couple friends and told them her discovery.  They too examined me and shook their heads.  awkward!  Then the lady stepped forward and asked me one more question,  "Do you homeschool?"   I told her that I did. Then she stuck her pointer finger triumphantly in the air and exclaimed, "I knew it!"

Oh, you have gotta love stereotyping of large families and homeschooling :)
That too made me smile. 

So here we go down another crazy road of life!  I told my mother-in-law yesterday before we headed for home: "I've never experienced a more exhausting time of life... but it's so so rich."

We've never been happier :)

Here is the announcement I made from the photo to give our families....

Blessings to you all,


  1. Congratulations!
    I am excited for you all, and I'm loving that announcement you created. So cute!!!

  2. congratulations :) you make cute kids... i also get the, "you're not old enough to have kids" comment :) guess it's better than dang you're old :)

  3. Huge congrats, sweetie! I had my first baby while I was still only 18....had baby #6 when I was almost 37....and was still being told I looked too young...hahaaa! Hubby and I have been married 43 years now....and I'd still be havin' kiddles if I could....but am enjoying lookin' forward to grandkiddle #18, in January! Best wishes to you all....enjoy every moment!

  4. 1. Congrats!
    2. That announcement is adorable. Your creative genius is astounding to me and something wish I possessed!.

  5. Love the announcement. Congrats, Amy and family!!

  6. Congratulations Amy! The announcement is adorable! I am so excited for you and Jeremy.

  7. Congratulations to you and your family Amy!

  8. Love the announcement, and your sense of humor. God, as I'm sure you know, gives what we need. And usually not until we need it. I'm glad you can see the riches that are pouring out on you in this season, because when you blink it will be behind you. Congratulations on your newest adventure! ~from a 59-year-old, post-homeschool, Grandma of 3 {2 are teens}, whose "baby" will be 29 in 5 days...

  9. Congratulations to you all Amy! It is always so magical to have a baby in the house!

  10. Congrats! I love the announcement! And you just have to smile at the people that don't see kids as blessings...they have no idea what they are missing out on.

  11. Congrats Jordan family!! SO excited for you!! Hope you are feeling well!

  12. Congratulations to you and your family!!! Such exciting news! I hope your feeling well and not having any morning sickness!?

  13. Adding my congratulations, too! I also love the announcement you made! Take care! Wavin' at you from Savannah, GA!

  14. Yea!!! So happy for you... and stereotyping can be so funny (and annoying), but ya'll are doing it YOUR way and that's ALL that matters. And that announcement is gorgeous!

  15. Amy, I love you :). Bring on child #5, he/she will be blessed to have such a great family to grow up in! Love the announcement!

  16. I recently stumbled across your blog (researching how to redecorate my kid's bathroom) and I wanted to say congratulations! I have 4 kiddos myself (8,7,4,2) and there are days I feel like we are totally done and then there are days that I feel like I need just one more :) We homeschool as well. Anyway - wanted to say congratulations! -Renee

  17. Congrats to you and your sweet family! Many Blessings. xo

  18. Congratulations to you all! I love the announcement you made for your family!


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