
Printable Polka Dot Patterns... for making washi tape stickers

Do you remember the mini washi tape stickers I showed you how to make awhile back?  Well, I have 2 new printable patterns for you to use for those! 
I also thought I'd show you another way that I use my mini washi tape stickers...
If you have an Etsy store or just enjoy making cute packages for gifts, these stickers are PERFECT!  I use them constantly for both... :)
I like to print several different patterns on one sheet, then I cut them into strips.  That way they are ready to use anytime!

When I package my scripture art prints for my Esty store, I always include my business card, a hand-written note, and a few stickers all in a sweet little glassine envelope.  I use the mini washi tape stickers to stick the envelop to the front of the packaged print.  I think it looks quite lovely!

To make  your own mini washi tape strips...
First check out my original post HERE.
Then click on the each of the patterns below and save.
Then you're ready to print!
How will you/do you use your washi tape stickers?  I'd love to hear!

*As always...File and finished product are not for resale or profit of any kind.  Please contact me if  you have any questions about usage.



  1. This comment is unrelated to using washi tape stickers, but it is related to the little 'hand doodle tattoo' post you has sometime last summer! I just wanted to say how much that idea has taken off in our home. :) When someone is feeling a bit anxious about going off to VBS for the first time, we draw a little something special on a hand. When someone is feeling anxious about the new babysitter, another little doodle it is. Anyway - thanks so much for sharing your fun, sweet, everyday ideas! :D They are appreciated!

  2. Amy J, thank you for this wonderful idea ... this I will have to do before the weekend; can't wait to use them. So beautiful! :)

  3. Oh my goodness, these are so sweet!
    I have been looking for pretty ways to personalize my daughter's first birthday party, and I have been having so much fun looking through your printables. I love the things that you make!
    I'm so excited to have your tips on how to make my own washi tape (seriously, why is the real stuff that expensive?!?) and now my wheels are turning and coming up with all sorts of ways to use this at Kayleigh's party!
    Thank you!!!

    ♥ Bethany

  4. thank you for sharing your beautiful papers & ideas! have a wonderful week! kelly

  5. Thank you very much for these polka dots patterns ! They are lovely !


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