
Show and Tell

I have piles of new stuff in the store.

You see... designing is my way of relaxing.  And I've been needing to do something, anything to relax. 
So I kinda went nuts one day and designed all this stuff...

Hope you enjoy looking!  And maybe you'll get some Christmas Gift ideas... hmmmm :)

With that thought in mind... You can get 15% off your purchase with this code when you enter it at the time of checkout in My Etsy Store!  Why?.... just 'cause I love you that much. ...awwww... how sweet :)

... and remember Custom Color changes are always FREE...  Custom Scripture changes are only $4 more.

And there are so many more where those came from! 

I'm going home to Kansas for the entire week, next week.  And... since I find designing relaxing... gues who is coming with me?  Yup... Mac (that's my computer, don't feel bad if you're a little slow :)  And it's not a lap top.  How pathetic am I?  No, I guess I'm not really pathetic, more like practical.  Yeah.  That sounds better :)  

This way I can enjoy some design time while family helps watch kids and I can also keep up with Etsy and Blog (lucky you!) stuff.   So I'd tell you all that I will miss you during the next week... but I won't.  I'm taking you with me.  :)



  1. You are so very creative Amy!!!! I need to remember these cute things for the next baby shower & or bridal shower I attend!!
    So glad you're not leaving us behind!!!

  2. Amy J! These are so caaute!...maybe a Christmas gift to myself to hang in my new craft studio :) Have a wonderful trip!

  3. oh so lovely! i just placed an order.. couldn't resist. :)

  4. So very pretty! Love all the colors :)


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