
Printable Bird Recipe Cards... Giftable!

 Well, now that Christmas is quickly approaching,  I've been thinking about gifts.  My goal this year is to spend $10 or less on each  person...  this means, most likely: homemade, thrifted, or a super sale!  It will be a fun challenge.  I hope to share some of my ideas with you as I go :)

Well, today I can help you out in your gifting pursuits!  These recipe cards would be perfect as a small gift or a stocking stuffer...  I spared nothing with them, so that they wouldn't look cheap or "run-of-the-mill"!  They are two-sided and full of whimsy :)   If you have a good color  printer, grab some nice thick paper and print 'em out!  If you don't, take the file to a local printer... Kinkos or something... and have them print them!  I would suggest cutting with an x-acto knife and a metal blade ruler or a good quality paper cutter... 

And of course, keep the file beyond the Holiday season so you have some cheery recipe cards on hand for yourself :)


 *As always...File and finished product for personal use only... not for resale or profit of any kind.
 And leave a cheery hello if you're going to download!



  1. For my family we each bring a girl/guy gift and then do the number drawing thing. I am bringing a cute recipe box this year, so I think I just might print some of these off and put them in there! Thanks, they are too cute!!!

  2. GET OUT! You spoil us girlie! You knowwwwww I am loving these...good grief it has A BIRD on it!!!!!

  3. Cute little birds! They won't fit my big recipe box :( But maybe I'll print out a few for friends. Thanks for all these cute little freebies you do. Why did it take so long for me to discover your blog?

  4. these are just too cute! thank you!

  5. Beautiful!!!!!

  6. lovely recipe cards!

  7. I love birds! Thank You!

  8. I was hoping for something cute for my donated baking for the school fundraiser/bakesale. Thank you, thank you - I'm all thumbs when it comes to making pretty print materials.

  9. These are beautiful recipe cards. Cute and adorable bridal shower recipe cards for every kitchen.


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