
Honey... make me a chalkboard... please! and PINTEREST

A month or so ago, I told Jeremy about an idea I had for a chalkboard for the school room/my work area.  I went on elaborating about how I thought we should do it, what the top should look like, what I'd use it for... on and on, as I always do when describing ideas I have.  He liked the idea, but I didn't really expect him to think it was worth pushing to the top of the project priority list. To my amazement, only days later it was complete!  ... my dear sweet, hubby... thank you!

Our walls are textured, so we had a thin piece of wood cut to size from Lowes.  Then I drew the shape I wanted for the top and Jeremy cut it in the garage with our Dremel :)  He painted it with chalkboard paint,  and screwed it to the wall.  Ta-Da!  I love it.   I love the way it looks, and it's awesome for school.

You can't really tell from the pictures, but it's on the open end of our school room/ my work space,  in our kind of open hallway.  It perfect because it's very central in the house and it's also above tile... making for easy chalk dust clean up. 

And one more thing...  Do you PINTEREST?  You probably already do, but in case you haven't discovered this LOVELY thing... check it out.  Its a place to "pin" fun things you find on the internet to save for future reference and inspiration!  Not to mention, you can look at other peoples "pins".   fun, fun, fun.  By the way... if you ever care to check out what I'm pinning these days... HERE ARE MY BOARDS :)



  1. AMY! I loooooooove your chalk board! How lovely and your doodle box with the little pictures makes me smile. Not to mention the verse and a little project done with love. Go HUBBY! Love it sweet friend. And look at your blog growing like crazy! You deserve it sweet friend. ♥

  2. LOVE it! our door is painted with the chalkboard paint!!! right now it has scripture all over it for me to help the girls remember their verses for school and church :) i think i need another one though!

  3. i love that idea. It looks really cute and it's a great reminder about the way we should act for our Lord! God bless.


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