

Hello Friends!
Well, I had a great birthday weekend!  Thank you to those of you who blessed me by sharing birthday wishes and also your favorite verses of scripture.   I was so uplifted and encouraged by reading them!

Well...  for those 19 of you who are actually reading this post...
As far as the giveaway goes, The winner is MALINDA!  ...  email me Malinda and we'll get you a customized print to adorn the walls of that new house that you love so much :)

On Friday, my birthday, I got to go out with the hubs for a bit in the evening... I requested that we take V with us and try to snap a few 8 month pics of him.  And that's really the best way to describe how it went down... we tried to get a few good shots, the timing just wasn't right... too rushed and not enough light... oh, well.  But we still ended up with a few decent pics.  

Blessings and Happy Monday!


  1. Yay! I'm so excited...I can't believe I WON! What a blessing for me today. I will have to think hard about what I want...get something for the girls or for myself. A tough one!

    P.S., love the photos...the one with V & J is great!


    Cute pictures!! Why is it when we try to get photos of our own family...there is never enough time? I ran out of light for Landen's 3 year pics, as well.

  3. i'm woefully late, but happy bday amyj!
    hope it was lovely and full of love!


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