
Lost and Found

Sadie in the waiting room at her appointment today.

Today we had an appointment for Sadie to check up on her kidney...  Sadie had a rough pregnancy with multiple complications... one of which was the discovery of only one kidney (you can read the whole story HERE).

Ever since our pediatrician told us that he thought it would be a good idea to go to a specialist, just to make sure everything was functioning properly with her kidney, I've been a little anxious.  You know, Sadie is almost 3, and most days I hardly think about all that we went through during my pregnancy with her. I hardly think about all the fears I used to have for her.

During the first  year of Sadie's life, I worried alot about her.  She was so tiny... and since we knew she only had one kidney, I worried about how she was growing.  I hoped she was big enough... I hoped she was getting enough nutrients.  She seemed so fragile to me.  After making her appointment, those thoughts started resurfacing.  I tried not to dwell on them, but every time the appointment would come to mind, I'd fear that they would discover something bad at it.  I feared that they would tell me that she wasn't growing properly or that her kidney was weak ... I don't know... I just really struggled with fearing the worst!  I even worried that when they did the ultrasound they would find something else wrong with her... like a tumor or something!  I know... I had absolutely no grounds for being worried at all! ...but I still was.  Shame on me.  I knew I should be laying my burdens down in prayer to the Lord, but I was really having a hard time.

Well, because of an unexpectedly busy week spent back home in Kansas, Jeremy and I forgot to get a babysitter for the other kids so that we could go to the appointment together with Sadie.  Awful, I know.  So Jeremy, bless his heart, took her to OKC by himself (He's such a good dad).  After the appointment, Jeremy called me.  He sounded a little weird on the phone.  But very quickly he said, "Everything's fine, but I just have to tell you about the ultrasound." Even though he said everything was okay, I was still nervous as he began to describe what happened.  Well, I guess the technician looked at her one kidney checked it all out and said it looked good. But then as she studied the screen and moved the wand around some more on Sadie's tummy, she got a weird look on her face.  Jeremy got nervous.  Her brow furrowed and she looked intently at the screen.  And then she said, "Well there's your other kidney."

WHAT?!  What?! My sweet little fragile Sadie, has two kidneys? She's not going to end up on dialysis or need a kidney transplant some day?! (I know, I'm amazingly dramatic.) She'll be able to play powder-puff football or roller derby someday?!  ...I couldn't believe it.

He continued to tell me how basically she has a pelvic kidney.  A kidney that never rose into it's proper place, but remained behind the pelvis in front of the spine, if I understand correctly.  It's perfect.  It functions.  She's normal.  :) Ha!

I took in all this info. from Jeremy, teared up, and hung up the phone.  Then it hit me.  "Oh, God. I was so scared for my little girl.  I feared the worst.  I prayed that everything would be okay and that they wouldn't find ANYTHING.  But, God, you gave me more than I even asked for... more than I could have even imagined!  You gave her another kidney.  Forgive me for not trusting you... forgive me for always fearing the worst instead of trusting and hoping in you.  Thank you.  Thank you for giving us what we didn't even ask for."

Today I am thankful, so thankful... and very humbled.

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."  Ephesians 3:20, 21



  1. That's amazing, Amy. So amazing...what a true gift. God is so good!

  2. Glory to our God and King! I love, love, love, how He triumphs over our worries while lavishing us with His grace and love. Oh I want to hug you tight this instant! I anguished throughout your post but THERE IS ANOTHER KIDNEY! I so did not see that coming! I am so long winded but I am way excited about this. :)

  3. OK...a song came to mind. Go figure :)
    "God is so good. God is so good. God is so good, He's so good to me!"
    Loved seeing you this weekend. So glad to hear of your miracle!

  4. Amazing Amy! What an awesome moment and reminder that God can do immeasurably more than we ask.

  5. wow, amen! that's amazing. thank you so much for sharing that!

  6. Amy! What a great thing to read this morning! How our Sweet Saviour is working in all our lives as moms...and in our children's lives...even though we are all miles apart, what a connection we have in Him! & how He knows the desires of our!

  7. Praising Him with you! and wondering why I limit God in so many instances. Thank you for sharing.

  8. What a great story. Truly inspirational.......thanks for sharing. You are so very blessed :)

  9. Rejoicing with you! What wonderful news! I never cease to be amazed at the way God chooses to bless us in ways we could never dream to ask for. And we learn so much about him in the process through journeys we would not have picked for ourselves.

  10. Amy, I am so blessed to read this. It makes me just love God even more!!!

  11. Amy, this is so exciting! I got chills reading it! Thank you for sharing! I'm always so blessed with what you write--your so real and so encouraging. Andrea

  12. WOW!! I found you on pinterest. I clicked on a picture and it brought me here. I am drawn to twins and the first thing i clicked on was their story. Amazing, powerful, I dont know what to say. God is good :)

  13. I stumbled upon a link on pinterest and found your blog. Since I have 3 year old twin boys I was drawn to your story. What an amazing blessing you have in Sadie. God is great.

  14. Thank you so much for sharing your story. It was uplifting and ... well... wow. Thank you for reminding me to trust in our Heavenly Father's plan for us.

  15. Oh my goodness,. I have just read your story from start to finish and there is not a dry eye in sight. Your faith is absolutely inspirational. What an incredible blessing and turn of events that your precious little one has two kidneys. My love and prayers (all the way from Australia) to a wonderful women of faith and a beautiful family of sweet little ones, both here on earth and in heaven. Thank you for sharing such a personal and painful story to encourage others. God bless you and your special family. Love Rachel xox

  16. Oh my word. I just found your blog through pinterest of all places (cute fabric photo mats btw :) and followed Sadie's story all the way to here....IN TEARS! Thank you for sharing and being so honest with your fears and about God and faith and just all of it. One thing that stands out to me the most is that your fear did NOT forfeit His perfect Jeremiah 29:11 plan for little Sadie. God was strengthening your heart and faith along the way and never wavered when you still had your Momma fears for your little one. So encouraging to see and read His grace poured out on you. As we are standing in faith for our own little girl..believing she IS healed....this greatly touches me. Thank you :)

  17. Wow. That is one amazing story. Heidi was a preemie too as I had some major complications while I was pregnant with her bu this...girl, you are amazing. God is using your humility throughout all this I know.

  18. I stumbled onto your blog from Pinterest and just read through all 4 parts of the story. I was in tears along with you, but after reading this part, they are tears of joy. God is so good. Thank you for sharing your story.

  19. I came over from Raising Up Rubies today and read your whole twin story. God is so good! Thank you for sharing your story.

  20. After reading the whole twin story today,I cried for you and my mother who had a similar pregnancy to you but her difference was there was no sonograms in 1962. My twin went to heaven 50 years ago, I often wonder what it would have been like to have her here with me. Thanks for sharing .

  21. Amy I just read all four parts to your amazing and touching story of Sophie & Sadie. I have been to your blog quite a few times now but only just came across your beautiful Twin Story. Thank you for sharing such intimate details with us all. Particularly, your honest account of both your faith and trust in God and yet simultaneously a deep struggle with that same faith during that time is something that really touched me because it's so real and I think all Christians can relate to that when they face trials or difficult and confusing circumstances in their walk with God. I know I can. So again, thank you. You have a beautiful family and are truly blessed in life. God really is good and it's comforting to know He has it all under control at the end of the day :) Your story is such a testimony of that! God bless.

  22. Wow! I can’t imagine going through all of that. What a testimony you are. We do have an awesome God! Thank you for sharing and God bless your family.

  23. Wow Amy, what a testimony. I just read through this whole story. How hard for your family, but you show that God never failed you. He held you up through all your fears and struggles. My daughter went through two pregnancy losses. I believe God allowed them so she could share her story and point others to Him. She has 4 children who are such a delight to our family. I'm so happy to read that Sadie has her 2nd kidney. God is good, all the time and every perfect gift is from Him. ~ Abby


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