

With the new school year here, I decided it was time for a new Chore Chart for my girls!  We've been doing chores on a somewhat regular basis, but I would always just write out a list for them.  They have told me that they NEED a list :)  It helps them attack a mess in a systematic way and they enjoy checking each task off as it's completed.
This is our new Chore Chart... I listed out cleaning responsibilities really specifically (otherwise they don't seem to know where to start!).  I  put the printed chart in a clear sheet protector (Avery brand from Walmart. I cut off the 3 holed strip on the one side) and the girls use Expo Washable Dry Erase Markers to check off the boxes... (yes, the markers are WASHABLE...isn't that wonderful?!!!  I think they're new.)  This way they use the same chart everyday... no re-printing!

I also made a blank Printable version for you!
I left some room at the top for you to doodle your kid's name all fancy-like :)
Just print, fill in chores, slip it into a sheet protector, grab some dry erase markers, and go crazy!

*As always...File and finished product for personal use only... not for resale or profit of any kind.




  1. Happy Comment HERE! I love this adorable chart and I am absolutely going to use it! I love the idea of being more specific though my kids can't read...I can! So I can just look at it and remind myself to be specific on times. Amy...once again you are amazing! Hugs my friend!

    P.S. I know it is long overdue but I worked on your feature yesterday and I am almost done! I start looking at your blog and get sucked in!

  2. Hello, Amy! Thanks for stopping by my blog :) I like your blog, too! Your lovely banner caught my eye - turquoise is one of my favorite colors! I will be back for a visit soon. . .

  3. I'll be using this for sure! So cute Amy...we need a little more structure around here!

  4. i followed your comment on Jennifer's blog and i love your chore chart...and your photo's are beautiful will visit here again...

  5. This is so wonderful! I'll totally be printing this out. Thank you! (And thanks miss 2 Shades of Pink for leading me to this awesome blog!) :)

  6. Here from TSOP...and lovin' your place!! You are amazingly talented and so much inspiration to be had this chart...pinned it!

  7. My children have chores that they do really well and they do them every day but I am always having to remind them which ones they have left out. I have tried making lists but they always look rather "homemade". But these are really lovely! I will definitely be using these.

  8. I just stumbled upon your blog and am LOVING it! I just love all your cute designs and printables! Can't wait to use this chart for my kiddos - I've been meaning to find one for them for ages and have just been lazy. Thanks for making such a cute and user friendly chart.

    I'm linking to you on my blog linbry lane

    will be back to read more! thanks again :)

  9. As with everything I have seen on your blog, I love this! And, after my dear littles colored on our chore chart yesterday with permanent marker, this has come at the perfect time. Praising the Lord for your creativity and timing!

  10. I am in search of anything that works for my kiddos as we are really struggling in this area... Teaching them responsibility is a big goal. I am going to give this a shot. It is so cute! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Ooh - I am so glad I heard about this from "I am an organized junkie's" post on facebook. Just the thing my husband and I were talking about last night!!

  12. Just in time! We've been looking for something like this for our 5 year old. Thanks for sharing <3

  13. Just found this through Pinterest! We are starting a "commission" program for our almost 6 year old and this perfect! Thank you! Happy New Year!

  14. I just found your site through I'm an Organizing Junkie's facebook wall. I've subscribed via email and GFC, I can't wait to go through your full site.

    ~ Shannon

  15. Been looking for something just like this! Yay for pinterest brining me here. Gonna try, THANKS!

  16. Found you on Pinterest! Love this chart. Wish I could type the chores on it though...looks so much tidier than my writing! Thanks!

  17. just downloaded your chore chart :)

  18. This sure beats my husband's Excel spreadsheet! The kids will be delighted, thanks!

  19. Thanks! found this through "Tip Junkie" blog! :)

  20. I just love this chore chart. I was looking for something like this for my kids. I got an idea of putting it in a pictuer frame so I can use it over and over and use the dry erase markers and my kids can check them off. Thank you so much.

  21. I was looking for a chore chart for my two little ones to just get started helping out around the house. I love this chore chart. I found it on pinterest. I printed it off and I put it in a picture frame and used dry earse markers so I can us it over and over. Thank you for sharing.

  22. This is just too cute! I think I might give this a try. Thank you for sharing!

  23. I'm prepping for summer with 3 kids home and love this chart! thanks so much for taking the work out of making one for me! :)

  24. I think I'm going to try this out for my 13 & 11 year olds!

  25. Going to try this for my 11 & 13 year olds.

  26. So my first grader seems to be blind to her dishes on the table. And dropping things in the middle of the floor as she walks. I'm going to give this a try and see if I can get her involved in keeping our house organized.

  27. I just typed up my chores in a word document, but yours is so much cuter! Thanks again!

  28. Heck yeah! Been looking for something like this. Thank you!

  29. Thank you so much! Can't wait to try this!

  30. My teen has ADD and has a horrible time remembering being told to do chores if given more than three instructions at once. I can't just tell her to to go clean the kitchen, for example, because it is just too overwhelming for her and she doesn't know where to start. This is just perfect for her because I can be specific and itemize her chores and she can check them off to see her accomplishments! Thank you!

  31. Thanks...just added my boys' summer chore lists to these cute printables. Thanks so much! my order from your etsy store also! :)

  32. Thank you for sharing! Your chart is SO cute. I plan to put it in an acrylic sign holder and use dry erase markers. :)

  33. This is very nice, thank you. What font did you use for your children's names and the title? Thank you!

  34. Hi Amy, I'm going to use your chart for both my 6 year old son and 13 year old son. They've been doing chores for ages, but never with an actual printed chart they can tick things off as they complete them. I've always meant to do a chart up, but don't really know how to use anything other than Microsoft Word, lol. Thanks so much for this free printable :)

  35. Thanks so much! I'm going to use this for my 4yr old daughter as a chore/reward chart. I've been wanting to make/find one for a while, you just saved me a boatload of precious time and gave me something prettier than I would have come up with. :-)

  36. What a cute chart! I'm going to use it for my 3 girls!! They love lists too!


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