

I've been meaning to post these pictures for such a long time now!  But alas... I don't get done near as much these days as I used to!  That's so hard for me... Good or bad, I tend to judge the success of my days based on how much I accomplished! 

First off, JJ's sister and her family from Haiti:  This is their dear family... for the first time all together in the US.  Jen and Jarod have been waiting to adopt their 3 Haitian children for almost 10 years.  The corrupt government in Haiti had made it nearly impossible.  But as a result of the earth quake tragedy there this last January, the children were granted US Humanitarian Visas and  are able to pursue American adoptions.  It is nothing short of a miracle!!  And we get to enjoy seeing them whenever we go back to KS, as they are temporarily living there until the adoptions are complete...Yeah!!

I was able to capture a few fun shots before the rain came in, out on JJ's family farm....

Next... my brother, Phil from California, and his family visited us here in OK a month ago... it was the first time that I got to meet my niece Jenna!  She is nothing short of positively precious!!!   Right before she headed to bed the night before they left, her mommy and I stole a few sweet shots for her 1 year pictures.... I love them!

One last thing...
I had a sonogram on Monday and was able to see our newest little sweety.... squirmin' around, nice and healthy so far :)


  1. congratulations on your new sweetie! aren't sonograms the greatest?

  2. Wonderful shots!
    I just went to Haiti in April to His Home for Children and FELL IN LOVE with so many children, especially a little girl named Tasha. I have a question...
    My brother in law, Heath, went down to Haiti at His Home right after the earthquake to bring a plane load of children back to their adoptive families (including their 2 little girls) Was this by chance the same orphange, trip, etc?

  3. love the one of the parents kissing in the doorway! so happy your sono went well! here's to hoping and praying for an uneventful pregnancy!

  4. Love, love all of the pics! My favs are of Jarod and Jen kissing and of the black and white of Jaden....beautiful boy.

  5. Jared and Jennifer have such a beautiful family and your pictures are wonderful! I'm glad to hear the sonogram went well! You are accomplishing quite a bit when you have a growing, healthy baby on the way!

  6. That one of dora nearly does me in. love it!


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