
Weird things on the walls

My mom bought me an old little painted crib for Christmas... At that time there was no child small enough to sleep in it.  Not to mention it was a death trap in numerous ways: lead paint, low rails, poky nails randomly sticking out and a mattress that would sporadically just drop out.  So why did she buy it for me? Well, in my mother's defense, she didn't intend for me to put a child of mine in it.  Rather someone else's :)  It was supposed to be a photography prop...  You see, prior to the purchase I had borrowed a small crib of hers for Sadie.  She was at that age where she wouldn't sit or stand still for me than 2 seconds and I wanted a picture of all three girls together.  So I pinned her up... in a crib.  It made, I think, adorable pictures!  Anywho... the deathly crib:  we moved and I'm not really taking pictures much here anymore.  So we took apart and crib and decided to repurpose it.  Tonight I put it up on the wall... well part of it.  Maybe someday I'll put it back together and subject some poor child to it for a photography shoot.  We'll see :)  For now, I thought I'd just let you see what you can do with a dangerous old crib.

If you want to see more of the pictures from this shoot click HERE... they're really cute :)

What kind of weird stuff do you hang on the wall?  I'd love to hear!


  1. Haven't hung many weird stuff on my walls...but just had to say, that photo shoot was adorable!
    Love the stripes and of course the crib!!:)
    Enjoy the day

  2. Hi Amy, thanks for stopping by my blog. That's a great idea for repurposing something. I recently found a very large wooden fork (8' tall) at a thrift store, my daughter insisted I buy it. I walked away from it only because I wanted a spoon to go with it. I thought it would be cool in the dining room! I still might go back and get it. Have a great day!


  3. Love how you used the crib! And that pic is!


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