

I sent Meg over at WHATEVER  a little gift the other day and she mentioned me on her blog!!  How fun!!  Meg is one of those people that I'm always looking up at... you know, one of those people that you can relate to or admire, but is in the next step ahead of you in life.  I've admired her since I was little actually... she was my sister-in-law's best friend in high school in my home town.  My niece's middle name is Megan in honor of her...  She was so pretty and was dating the star basketball player!  Now I admire her for her creativity, her vintage style, her ambitions, the fact that she has five kids, her faith, and her GORGEOUS HOME!  I think it's good to have people like that in your life... they keep you pressing forward.  So thanks, Meg... God has blessed you, thanks for blessing us with your beautiful blog!


  1. I saw Meg's post this morning. Your stationery is beautiful!

  2. When I saw the stationary this morning on her blog I didn't even have to read who it was from! I knew you made those "happy things"!

  3. Thanks for stopping in to visit. Your blog is so bright and cheery, and I love the pictures of your work space. Your girlies are really sweet!

  4. Thank you for visiting! What a great blog you have! And your daughters are too precious.
    P.S. Love Meg! I've been reading her blog for about a year. What a beautiful person she is!

  5. Aw, I saw your stationary on her blog. So cute!! I can't wait to check out your shop!


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