
Faith in all parts of life...

So, you know me... I'm always trying my hand at some new avenue for some extra household funds. Photography, crafts, baby bracelets, graphic design, stationery... I love doing all these things and a one income family of 5 can always use extra money, right? :) My prayer has always been, Lord please use my abilities to provide a little extra for our needs... if it would be your will. And I've always felt that at some point, he will do that. Once again, as I mentioned in my last post, the real trick , for me, is being content in the moment as I wait for his blessing on my endeavors.

I was really excited about the whole photography biz thing... back in KS. I felt a strong urge to push ahead pretty aggressively last fall and God gave me a good measure of success. Yet, it was very draining and demanded so much time for a mom of three little ones. And THEN, God relocated us. I just don't feel the urge here, in OK, to push forward with a Photography biz. It was fairly stressful, when I was doing it back in KS, and I don't need any additional stress right now! :) On the other hand, one thing that has been very relaxing for me, when I can find the time, has been my work with any kind of graphic designing. The ideas just flow out of me and it brings me a great deal of joy. I can do it in 15 min. pockets of time or design late into the hours of the night. I love it. It fits my life right now. So naturally, I'm testing the waters to see if this might be something God would choose to bless us financially through.

I've also made another decision about my graphic designing ambitions... I've decided I want my products, my look, my store to reflect my faith. At first, I was hesitant to actually have my products reflect my faith. The way I do business, my communications, all those side things can reflect my relationship with Christ , but I didn't need my products to. But then my design ideas and concepts started to stem from my faith: wouldn't it be nice to be able to purchase birth announcements with scripture on them? Send a trendy well designed note with scripture on it? Find fun and funky art prints for your home that remind you of what God's word says to you? Prayer journals that actually help you in the practice of your faith? I could go on and on! So now I'm really excited that my vision is becoming clearer... I'll mix my faith and my craft, after all isn't that the way it should be? So here's what's in the immediate makings...

- today I added 6 scripture art prints to my Etsy store
- I developed a mini prayer journal for one month of recording daily prayers. It has prompts and areas to write in for each part of the A.C.T.S prayer model (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication) I should have it in my store in the next few days.
- I'm going to add a line on note cards that all have encouraging scripture on them...

Any other ideas for me?

The Proverbs 31 woman is my inspiration... this is who I pray God will develop me into:

"She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night...She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes. She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also , and he praises her..." Prov. 31:24-28


  1. Amy I LOVE these! I am thinking I'm going to need some for my girls' rooms, but not sure yet what one to choose! Fabulous!

  2. I'm so glad you stopped by my blog because then it meant I got to discover your blog!!! You are pretty darn creative yourself ;) The other thing is that I actually needed one more person to nominate for a blog award that I got so prayer answered! My blog post with your nomination will be up tomorrow ;)

  3. I love love love the yellow butterfly one. I'm trying to think of a wall it would fit on. I'm going to think hard about it and maybe order it (fingers crossed)

  4. I absolutely love these! Especially a joyful heart verse. I have that written on a dry erase board, near our coffee pot. A constant reminder of how the joy of the Lord brings a changed heart. :o)
    I hope you are having a lovely weekend.
    Sincerely ~ Tricia
    Ps. Feel free to drop in anytime. :o)


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