
Antique Shopping

Today we (the whole fam.) decided to head out to Guthrie to do some Antique shopping. 
Since we've only lived in OK for 3 mo., this was our first real visit to the charming little town. 
I was planning on taking a massive amount of pictures of the down town's features, but it didn't work out. 
It was very hot,
the kids were cranky and impatient,
and shopping took the priority :) 
So I'll just tease you with this one simple picture.  It's not even anything special, but it'll give you a taste of what kind of town this is.... oh, so fun.

I'll go back...soon... without my kiddos and take some really fun pics to show you.
But I will show you a few pics of those cranky, impatient kids...
And some of my shopping finds...

I absolutely adore this set of wooden doll furniture from the 1950s... and I got it for an absolute steal!! 

We finished the trip with shakes for all and now we're on to packing for our camping trip tomorrow...
First time to go with the girls...
busy, busy,
fun, fun :)


  1. love the doll furniture... great find! good luck with your camping trip! we took the kids for the first time last summer.... great memories, rain and all :)

  2. Cute furniture. my 4 year old would flip out! it would be so cute if you spray painted them fun colors :) have fun camping. that is on our list of want to's, we'll see :)

  3. i love prowling through little towns like this! though not so easy with little ones in tow, as you said!

  4. the first picture of the Sand Plum is where Jason got married. Guthrie is a neat town, my niece also got married there last year. It was great seeing you day:)

  5. Beautiful pictures.
    Love the doll house furniture. So cute.

    We're camping with Kenzie for the first time in a few weeks. Should be fun. I'll be interested in knowing how your camping trip goes, with yours.

  6. Love the furniture! Where in Ks are you from? I don't think I mentioned it in my e-mail, but I'm in Wichita.

  7. Oh, I can't wait to see your Guthrie pictures! My grandparents lived there until their death a few years ago and I loved every visit to that town!

    (I'm a new reader to your blog via Meg @ Whatever.) : )


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