
Happy Things

Certain simple things trigger tender emotions within me. I'm sure this is typical, especially for moms... everything about our babies seems to be sentimental and special. Little shoes do it for me. With each child whenever I see those cute little shoes paired up somewhere, I smile and maybe even feel the back of my throat tighten a bit. It's good. I like feeling those gushy moments as a mom. To me, they are moments of thankfulness. A quick "thank you, Lord" usually follows in my heart. I was looking through some of my pictures and saw this one with the shoes, and my heart did that thing. I smiled and I was thankful for Sadie, all my girls, and for this life I know. I've had some hard days lately and for me, having those grateful feelings was a small victory. I've changed my prayers since my earlier post about my struggles. I'm no longer praying for God to bring me out of the circumstances that I dislike. I'm no longer praying that God will change the things that make me struggle. Rather, my prayer now is for joy today. My prayer is for strength to praise him today. My prayer is for him to change me, not my circumstances.

"I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Phil. 4:12b,13

So today, I'm thankful for little shoes that make me smile and a God who gives me strength... and that's a Happy Thing :)


  1. That was the verse in my devotion today as well! Sometimes easier said than done, so it makes me all the more thankful that we aren't in this alone and that we have grace!

  2. I am having a BA day--bad attitude day. Really no apparent reason, just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, as they say. So I definitely needed this reminder. Am so enjoying your lovely pictures and gracious words that in a small way documents your life. Thanks so much for sharing the way you do.


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