
Happy Thing... paper covered clothespins

Perfect for hanging vintage ads or photos as decoration....

The extra pins waiting to be used serve well as decorations also...

More casually displayed just for visual interest!

Add a magnet for a different twist...

The mini ones are perfect for displaying photos or favorite scriptures...

Once again they look so sweet while they wait to be used...

And finally, the mini ones are a charming touch for a gift or package!

I'm sure you guys have all seen these already... I've seen them on multiple blogs, for sale on Etsy, and even in some boutiques. They really are fun and simple to make, though... no wonder they're so popular! All you do is cut strips of decorative paper to the dimensions of the clothes pin and adhere and cover with Mod Podge... easy enough! My favorites are the mini pins... drill tiny holes through one side and nail to the wall to hang whatever! So many uses and so simple to make... absolutely a Happy Thing :)

These are a few of the ways I've been using them in our home lately...

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