

I don't usually like to admit it... but... my girls stayed in their p.j.s all day today. I know, it's shameful :) I have a "to do" list for each morning and on it are a number of basic tasks: make bed, get dressed, breakfast, start load of laundry, do hair and make-up... and get girls dressed. All of these things, basic as they are, require being put on a list to even have a chance at getting done! I start out strong with my list, but by the time I get towards the end...I'm off to something else. So... my girls just don't get dressed... it's the one box that just rarely seems to get checked off. Now you know.


  1. that's NOT shameful at all! it's saving on laundry which is getting ahead on tomorrow's workload :) we stayed in our pajamas to today...

  2. Cute new header! I really like the new look! And...Sadie reminds me so much of Grace when she was a baby...especially with all the hair now! So sweet! Hope you guys are doing well! Praying for you!

  3. Hey, no problem with that... we do it all the time!!!! ~Rachel


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