
Amy J. Goes to NY... to see Raising Up Rubies!

Haha... even as I type that title, I have to chuckle :)  Raising up Rubies... that's how you all know her, but to me she's just Jaime.  She is my dear friend, a gift of friendship to me from a loving Heavenly Father who knows all our quiet needs. 

A week ago today my hubs and I headed out, leaving Edmond, OK before the sun was even up to catch a plane headed to Rochester, NY.  We were going to meet friends... 

A week later, today, I have to start my week.  Get back to real life. One part of me feels refreshed and renewed after encouraging conversations had.  Another part feels inspired, ready to create all the things and ideas that flooded my mind as a result of spending time with my creative counter-part. And then there's the part of me that's blue, already missing the company of someone I've only met in person twice, but who feels like a sister.  But most of all, my heart is grateful.  I'm grateful as I feel the love of a compassionate God... the God who loves me (and Jaime) enough to orchestrate hundreds of little details and events to bring real and impacting friendship into existence. 

Would you like a peek into my trip?  I didn't even bring my real camera...  so I hope you enjoy a few blurry camera phone pics! Ha!

 Heading out early in the morning to catch our flight...

Our first evening together at Jaime's house... this pic took about 10 tries because we couldn't stop laughing.  #normalsizedheads

The hubs caught a pic of me trying to snatch a few pretties off Jaime's sewing desk... :)

We did a lot of shopping... Jaime introduced me to Savers.  #ohhowiloveyousavers

Jaime and her husband wouldn't stop bragging about their amazing grocery store, Wegmans, so we had to visit.  Jaime's a crazy shopper... she goes in circles.

 Stole a few alone moments with the hubs ;) ... this was a much needed break from our five kiddos!

One night we went on a double date together with our husbands!  That's another huge blessing of the trip... our husbands totally jived.  They had so many things in common... sarcasm and tolerance for their crazy wives being just a couple examples :)  Their appearance was not one of the things in common... Jaime's husband is a dark hairless formidable force and my hubs is apparently an Irish lumberjack ;)

On our double date we dined, hit Anthropologie, indulged in frozen yogurt and laughed at Jaime's unintentionally inappropriate comments ;)  ....oh and I snapped pics of the oblivious and lovely Jaime!

One afternoon we made this print together :)  ...a true melding of our shared style and creative mind!  It's a free download on her blog!  
It makes me so happy... I can't wait to find a special spot for it in my home as a reminder of what the Lord has done.  He has blessed me through my friendship with Jaime.  He allowed the hubs and I to get away, be refreshed and experience his goodness.

Speaking of reminders... I'm not short on mementos from my trip! (And this isn't even all of it :/ ) So much happy pretty thrifted goodness to remind me of my time in NY :) 
Now I just have to decide what to do with it all!


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